Thursday, December 3, 2020
Can protective boots really support joints and tendons?
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Sleighing Safety - Especially For The First Time
Sleighing looks very much like pulling a wheeled vehicle but there are crucial differences. It’s not unusual to find this out a little too late! ~ Have experienced help with you the 1st time you hook a horse to a sleigh! ~
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Changes?... Not so Fast
Normally, if you have
thought much about ulcers and your horses that have them or might have them,
you have come to the understanding that the major triggering factors are the
stressors in their daily life. The same stressors do not necessarily have the same
effects for every horse…some horses are not stressed by the same things that
wreak havoc in other horses. They are individuals with different tolerances for
discomfort. Kind of like people.
Normally, one would think that if the life of the horse has had a combination of stress inducing factors like extended periods of poor shoeing, limited turnout, say, only 30 mins day of solitary time in a 15 foot round pen in the hot sun with no shade while aggravated by serious biting bugs that quickly create mental stress, extended periods of isolation from other equines and humans while stabled, poor bitting and ill-fitting tack choices, poor dentition, no free foraging, uneducated riding or driving….things like that…. It would be logical to conclude these things would likely induce ulcers in the horse which in turn might explain his mouthiness, his aggressive eating habits…wolfing down his food in an effort to fill his stomach to protect it from ulcer pain, windsucking when his tack is put on (swallowing air in an attempt to relieve ulcer pain) in anticipation of stomach pain, his general agitation and uneasiness on cross ties, his lack of relaxation, focus or enthusiasm …even refusals …at work.
But what if he
experienced this for a long time, like maybe the last 10 years or so? What if
these things became what he came to understand as ‘normal’? In other
words, this has become…. just the way life is? His world?
From an evolutionary
strategy point of view, animals that can most successfully mask, guard, and
steel themselves against the visible expression of discomfort and pain have a
better chance to survive. We know that prey animals that exhibit pain are the
preferred targets for predators. They are easier to identify in the herd and catch. Their
very survival depends on how well they can hide any infirmities. Survival is a
strong motivator to work through pain. In my experience, the good horses do
just that. The very act of hiding pain compounds the issue because as a result
they do not use their body the way it was intended to move. Muscles atrophy or
get even more sore, bone structures become distorted, maybe even arthritic by
moving in a guarded and protective way.
And what if, in your
well intentioned effort to make his life better, you changed much of his life
experience at once by giving him a very good, supportive
hoof trim so his natural resting stance was now contributing to overall comfort
and health rather than to a forced contortion of where his muscles, ligaments
and skeleton want his body to be naturally?
What if he was turned
out and moving 8-12 hrs. a day with another horse (they are herd animals!) on a
decent green pasture, protected with shade and wind screens, perhaps a fly mask
and bug spray?
What if he was working
with kinder bits, a gentler, more understanding and educated hand in a relaxed
frame with better fitting tack, with a good dental treatment, good chiropractic
evaluation and treatment, maybe even some acupuncture to address his long
standing guarding and protecting of muscle pain and energy blockages …lots of
quality grooming time with humans…….things like that?
We tend to think the
extremely poor previous treatments of the horse prior to the introduction of
these kinds of changes for the better as prime stressors that trigger ulcers.
But consider this: Would
the cumulative effect of all these dramatic changes…improvements…themselves, be enough
to trigger ulcers?
Would the sum of these
changes from what the horse had come to understand as ‘normal’ be enough to
themselves trigger ulcers…even though we would all agree they were changes for
the better????
What if we also add, on
top of these changes, the changes of just moving to a new barn with new
routines and unfamiliar daily care by humans he does not know, different
weather, different tasting hay, grain, supplements, even water, on top of all
My point is: we all
basically agree that stress is an ulcer trigger. What about the stress of *change*
itself? Even if it is what we, as experienced horse keepers, would consider
changes for the better? Do we need to maybe go a little slower for some horses,
particularly the sensitive ones, when they are rescued them from the traumas of
their previous life?
And when we recognize the changes that should be made, what is the priority in which they should be made? We do not generally have control over some of them. We can't change the water back to what he had when he was living, say 500 miles away. The stabling we have is different from where he came from. Not much we can do about that. The pasture we have is all that is available. It is what it is. Should we let him stand on his miserable shoeing a while longer while we make the other changes just so we don't make too many changes at once? Should we turn him out in a tiny round pen because that is what he got used to while we have a beautiful, shaded paddock right next door? The rehabilitation path may not be as obvious and simple as it first appears.
Maybe it is more
stressful than we think to make all those changes at once even though the
changes will, in the long run, all greatly improve his life.
Maybe we need to take
more time. Maybe…. not so fast.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
The Cruelest Excuse
Probably the cruelest excuse you can make about your horse is to say this about his slightly poor or quirky behavior...his slightly abnormal reaction...his somewhat odd reflex:
Why is is cruel? 99% of the time he's trying to tell you something isn't quite right. He's a little bit stoic (or maybe a LOT stoic). It's easy to write it off. After all he's not hurting you or his grooms and it's not THAT can put up with it because he does his job well. He wins ribbons, good ones.
If he's not stoic, you have already called the vet and had it checked out because he told you loud and clear that he's in discomfort.
It's not the 3 legged lame horses I worry about. They get the attention. It's the ones who win ribbons, give lessons, cause no trouble that no one bothers to get checked out that I worry about. The good horses.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
He may not even know he can.
SPEED is a function of DISTANCE over TIME.
The triangle of Speed, Distance and Time.
For determining Speed, we're interested in the bottom triangle.
If you go 50 miles (Distance) in 5 hours (Time), your Speed was 10 miles per hour
10 mph = 50 miles divided by 5 hours or 10 mph = 50 miles/5 hours
An equine taking 20 quick short steps may not be as fast as one who takes 15 long steps to cover the same distance although he may look faster because his legs are moving quicker. Visualize a VSE vs a horse trotting a cross country obstacle course.
Do the 20 quick steps take more or less time to accomplish the same Distance than the 15 long ones?
Which equine will expend more energy or tire faster?
Which is more efficient?
Slowing the tempo of a gait, that is: allowing the horse to take longer, more efficient strides, generally allows a horse to move its body and limbs through a fuller range of motion.
To accomplish this, the muscles need to be supple, not tense.
Encourage your horse to slow his tempo here is the important part....
He may not even know that he can.
Be patient, be kind, allow him the space and time to learn.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Seeing the World: Humans, Horses and Birds
Equine Vision
What a horse sees are in images C and D. Nte that fluorescent orange is seen as almost the same color as the grass. When a carriage horse is flying through a course made of traffic cones, the cones and the grass there are set on are almost the same color. Now check out the vision of birds below!Bird Vision